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Tonya Rose the minister, the author, the singer, embodies the essence of servant leadership. Through experience and faith, she exemplifies the heart of God for his people, by evangelism and mentorship. She is a life coach, prolific motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and writer, with a purpose in life to help those who are hurting. Using a  holistic approach, she nurtures the needs of others to effective spiritual maturity, in the mind, body and soul.


As a wife, mother, and daughter. She values the power in prayer and praise. She continuously shares in a unity of marriage of twenty one years, and passionately mothers two daughters, a son, and a grandson. She is the third of eight children and faithfully serves her family through the teachings  of her mother and Pastor, Nelean J. Lewis, and Ephesians 4:2, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." With the help of God, she endeavors to demonstrate the blessings of God through ministry.


Elder Tonya L. Rose accepted the call to ministry September of two thousand seven, and has diligently labored in the body of Christ every since. Her goal is to introduce Jesus to the lost, traveling from state to state spreading the gospel through preaching, singing and worshipping. She’s a yielded and anointed vessel. Through answering yes to the call, souls have been saved, delivered and transformed by the power of God!



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